PB Meeting Minutes 10-15-18

Call to Order

Chair Wynn called the meeting to order at 7:45 pm and announced that the meeting has been properly noticed in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and that the meeting is being recorded and can be viewed on the Township website or on Channel 34. 

Roll Call

Chair Wynn, Vice Chair Brodock, Mr. Schwartz, Ms. Willis, Mr. Ianuale, Mr. Barr and Mr. Gilmer were present.  Councilor Schlager, Mr. Rooney and Ms. Loughman were excused.  Board Attorney Arthur Neiss, Planning Director Janice Talley and Board Engineer Tom Watkinson were also present.

Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes of the September 17, 2018 meeting as amended was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Mr. Barr and approved with Chair Wynn and Ms. Willis abstaining.

Resolution Application 2574:  510 Valley Montclair LLC – 510 Valley Road(Block 1711, Lots 13 - 17)

A motion to approve this resolution as amended was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Mr. Gilmer and approved with Mr. Schwartz opposing and Chair Wynn and Ms. Willis abstaining.  A copy of the resolution is attached.

Resolution Application 2558:  Raymond and Andrea Graj – 252 Valley Road(Block 1607, Lots 2 & 3)

A motion to approve this resolution was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Mr. Barr and approved unanimously with Chair Wynn and Ms. Willis abstaining.  A copy of this resolution is attached.

Application 2566:  59 Glenridge Avenue, LLC – 59 Glenridge Avenue (Block 4210, Lot 23)

Michael Piromalli, Esq. represented the applicant.  He noted that the applicant proposes to add a second story to an existing building that will contain two apartments.  He stated that the current front yard, side yard and maximum impervious coverage deficiencies are existing conditions.  The only new variance created by this application is a parking deficiency variance, since 13 spaces are required and only 5 spaces are provided.  He noted that a variance is needed for a 0 foot setback from the parking area and for the lack of a loading area.

Mr. Piromalli introduced the applicant, Mohammad Khokar and the architect, Carola Rosas, who were sworn in. 

Mr. Khokar stated that he is the owner of the building and the owner of the Dominos franchise that occupies the building.  He stated that the business is delivery and take out only.  He noted that he has 8 employees, including four workers inside the building and three drivers.  He stated that this building is a one-story building in a neighborhood with taller buildings and he wants to match the other buildings.  He stated that he needs a shed in the rear of the building for extra storage of empty trays, cardboard and paper products.  He stated that he has a dumpster in back of the building that is emptied twice a week between 6 and 9 am.  The garbage truck parks at the sidewalk and a worker walks the dumpster to the truck to be unloaded.  He stated that recycling is picked up curbside by the Township on appropriate days.  Mr. Khokar noted that employees and customers park on the street.  Delivery drivers park in the parking lot.  He stated that each apartment tenant will have one parking space in the back of the building.  He noted that supplier delivery vehicles park on the street in front of the buildings twice a week for about 40 minutes.

The public was invited to question Mr. Khokar. 

William Scott asked if the applicant will be required to pay a development fee.  Ms. Talley stated that he would.

Mr. Piromalli introduced Carola Rosas, the project architect.  Ms. Rosas stated one apartment will be 630 square feet in size and the other apartment will be 605 square feet in size.  She pointed out the storage areas provided for each unit.  She stated that the second story will be light frame construction covered with a stucco material.  She noted that a new cornice will be provided and additional landscaping in the rear corner of the lot.  She stated that the application will reduce the impervious coverage on the site, but that a variance is still required.

Chair Wynn asked if additional lighting will be provided along the driveway to illuminate the pathway for residents walking from the parking area in the rear to the entrance at the front of the building.  Ms. Rosas stated that additional lighting will be provided along the driveway.

Chair Wynn asked if the lights on the front of the store will be on all night.  Ms. Rosas stated that they will be illuminated when the business is open.  Chair Wynn stated that they should be on all night for safety of the residents of the building.

The Board noted that a street number for the apartments should be noted on the front of the building.  The Board asked for additional details about the brick water table, which appears to be reduced in size because of the new, larger windows proposed.  The Board asked if a brick veneer can be provided on the upper stories to be more consistent with the other buildings in the area.

The Board asked that a landscaping plan and a lighting plan be submitted.  It was recommended that a brick veneer with a metal cornice be provided and that trim bands be provided above the first-floor windows.  The dumpster enclosure area in the rear yard should be larger and details provided on the materials for the enclosure.  The Board also requested details on the rooftop equipment and location thereof.

Mr. Watkinson stated that a drainage plan should be submitted as the site currently drains over ground.  He also requested a detail be shown on the plan showing how the parking lot will be repaved.

The Board requested a colorized rendering of the front of the building and additional details.  The applicant was directed to return to the HPC with the additional details and the hearing was carried to the December 3 Planning Board meeting.

Other Matters

Mr. Schwartz requested the Board reconsider the demolition delay ordinance, which was eliminated in 2011.  Ms. Talley reported that the Historic Preservation Plan Element of the Master Plan proposes “light preservation districts” where demolitions would need to be approved by the HPC, but where improvements requiring building permits would not require a Certificate of Appropriateness from the HPC. Mr. Schwartz suggested that the Zoning Subcommittee be tasked with evaluating a demolition delay ordinance.  Chair Wynn stated that he will support this endeavor if the subcommittee can come up with a plan that accomplishes this goal that is both legal and effective.  Mr. Schwartz noted that Jersey City has such an ordinance and he would be happy to look into this in further detail.  The subcommittee will be comprised of Martin Schwartz, Carole Willis and Carmel Loughman and will work with Arthur Neiss on the ordinance.  Mr. Wynn stated that the subcommittee’s efforts should be independent of the HPC until it is supported by the Planning Board.

Payment of Bills

A motion to pay bills was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Chair Wynn and approved unanimously. 


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.