Call to Order
Chair Wynn called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm and announced that the meeting has been properly noticed in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and that the meeting is being recorded and can be viewed on the Township website or on Channel 34.
Roll Call
Chair Wynn, Vice Chair Brodock, Councilor Schlager, Mr. Schwartz, Ms. Willis, Mr. Rooney, Ms. Loughman and Mr. Gilmer were present. Mr. Barr and Mr. Ianuale were excused. Board Attorney Dennis Galvin, Board Engineer Thomas Watkinson, Board Architect Barton Ross, Joseph Fishinger from NV5, Gerard Giosa from Level G Associates and Planning Director Janice Talley were also present.
A motion to approve the minutes from the September 24, 2018 meeting as amended was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Ms. Willis and approved unanimously with Mr. Gilmer abstaining.
Application 2543: Lackawanna SPE, LLC – Lackawanna Plaza. (Block 3213, Lot 2 and Block 4202, Lots 4.01 and 4.02)
The applicant was represented by Thomas Trautner, Esq. Mr. Trautner stated that the comments from the Fire Official should be clarified, noting that Ms. Talley had a follow-up conversation with the Fire Chief. Ms. Talley reported that the Fire Chief stated that any structure over a drive aisle in the parking lot should have a clearance of at least 14 feet.
Mr. Trautner summarized the testimony of Dr. Bedford, stating that the interior mall is not a train shed but is a structure built in the 1980’s and that the historic integrity of the original canopies and columns is lost. He noted that the National Register listing does not preclude the demolition of the interior mall.
Mr. Trautner stated that the applicant is resistant to putting concrete canopies over the parking lot as it will not be attractive and will block the visibility of the storefronts. He stated that retaining the columns will reduce parking and impact the parking plan for the site.
Kevin Webb summarized the changes to the site plan as indicated in A-40. Mr. Webb stated that there is adequate space to accommodate full movement at all docks and that he will work with Mr. Fishinger to ensure that this is so.
Mr. Webb testified that he has reviewed the easement between the applicant’s property and Mr. Heller’s property. He stated that there is adequate space in the area for vehicles to maneuver to the loading docks and no vehicles will be parked within the easement. He also noted that the applicant is required to maintain the area within the easement.
Mr. Webb stated that three parallel parking spaces on Glenridge Avenue will be removed and one will be added for a net loss of two on-street parking spaces.
Mr. Webb stated that the applicant will consider a green screen on the Glenridge Avenue side of the property to screen the loading area. Vice Chair Brodock asked if the entire area between the building and the sidewalk will be landscaped. Mr. Webb stated that approximately 90 plantings will be planted in this area.
Mr. Giosa asked if the drop off area in front of the store could be moved elsewhere. Mr. Webb stated that the applicant agrees to find an alternative location.
Ms. Loughman asked how many parking spaces are located in front of the medical office, noting that the architectural drawings show 29 and the civil drawings show 30. Mr. Webb stated that the civil drawings are correct.
Ms. Willis asked about pedestrian access from Glenridge Avenue. Mr. Webb stated that pedestrian access is provided through sidewalks along Lackawanna Plaza and Grove Street. Ms. Willis asked if pedestrian access could be provided in the back of the store. Mr. Webb responded that it would be too dangerous to encourage pedestrian activity in the back as this is where the loading area is located.
Mr. Schwartz asked Mr. Webb if he was aware that the site is a local, state and federal landmark and if he is aware of Mr. Ross’s recommendations for the parking lot. Mr. Webb stated that the parking lot design proposed by Mr. Ross is not appropriate because it creates circulation issues and the loss of 20 parking spaces.
Vice Chair Brodock stated that the parking requirements table in the site plan is different from the parking management plan, noting that the parking management plan includes a fast food restaurant which is not included in the parking calculations on the site plan. Mr. Webb stated that Mr. Pehnke will address the parking management plan.
Vice Chair Brodock noted that the landscape plan still includes pin oaks, which were to be replaced. Mr. Webb stated that he will make that change. Vice Chair Brodock stated that the utility plan should include a water line to the horse trough. Mr. Webb stated that he will add the water line. Vice Chair Brodock stated that the lighting is insufficient in the southwest corner of the property. Mr. Webb stated that the existing street lights will provide the necessary light levels at this location, but he will take a fresh look at this. Vice Chair Brodock stated that he also wants to see the lighting levels in the pedestrian walkway.
Chair Wynn stated that revised plans should be submitted showing all of the agreed upon changes.
The public was invited to question Mr. Webb.
Cary Heller asked if the location of the trash compactor would inhibit truck movements. Mr. Webb responded that it would not. Mr. Heller asked if the landscape area is sufficient for snow storage. Mr. Webb responded that it can be used for a small snow event, but in a significant snow situation, snow will be removed off-site. Mr. Heller expressed concerns about safety along Glenridge Avenue if snow is stockpiled. Mr. Webb stated that snow will not be stockpiled, but will be removed.
Mr. Heller asked that the details of lighting plan changes be included in the revised plan. He asked if the applicant can limit the number of small box trucks serving the site. Mr. Webb stated that this will be managed by the store operator.
Ms. Talley noted that the details of the screening wall are not shown on the plan. Mr. Webb stated that the applicant is no longer proposing a screening wall.
Mr. Heller asked for pavement details in the loading area. Mr. Webb responded that heavy duty paving, sufficient for loading, is proposed. Mr. Heller asked if this sufficient for industrial and warehouse properties.
Chair Wynn noted that the loading area is very tight and generates a lot of movement on the pavement.
Ms. Loughman asked what pedestrian safety measures will be provided for pedestrians at the driveway. Mr. Webb stated that the crosswalk will be striped.
Mr. Watkinson stated that this should be shown on the striping plan. He also asked that the site plan be revised to reflect the architectural plans. He asked if the paved part of the loading dock will be new. Mr. Webb stated that it is new. Mr. Watkinson asked if the applicant will be repaving the easement area. Mr. Webb responded that this area will be repaved if the Board requires it. Mr. Watkinson stated that he recommends that the entire area be repaved, including the easement area, using a medium coarse aggregate.
Mr. Gilmer stated that the parking area around the TD Bank needs striping, including a pedestrian crosswalk in front of the entrance to the parking under the east parcel apartment building on the southeast corner of the building, near the TD Bank.
Ken Kornegard of Holland Terrace asked about the depth of the parking field. Mr. Webb stated that it is 300 feet.
Melissa Eschelman of Label Street asked how drivers will exiting the loading area see pedestrians. Mr. Webb responded that there are clear sight lines at the driveway.
The Board took a break.
Karl Pehnke presented the amended traffic report and parking management plan. He noted that with the revised site plan, one parking space has been lost in the western parking lot so that the total number of parking spaces is now 199. He noted that the applicant now proposes to include a small fast food retailer that will occupy approximately 800 square feet.
Chair Wynn asked if the seven handicapped parking spaces are enough. Mr. Pehnke responded that seven is the number required according to law. Chair Wynn questioned the location of the handicapped spaces, stating that it is unclear where the entrance to the supermarket is located. Mr. Pehnke responded that the entrance to the supermarket may change. Chair Wynn suggested that some of the handicapped spaces be located closer to the entrance of the Pig and Prince restaurant.
Chair Wynn asked about the signage that will be used to identify the location of the valet parking. Mr. Pehnke stated that temporary sandwich board signs will be used. Kristin Sokitch of ProPark stated that ProPark will manage the tandem assist parking as needed.
Ms. Willis stated that the valet parking should be in the east lot. She requested illustrations and details of the valet parking system.
Mr. Brodock asked about the evaluation of average demand and parking capacity. Mr. Pehnke stated that parking demand in December is about ten percent higher than normal and provides a good evaluation of how the capacity will meet demand.
Gerry Giosa stated that his numbers are relatively similar to those generated by Mr. Pehnke. He noted that the maximum demand is for 481 spaces and that valet parking is required to meet this demand. He also stated that valet parking should not be permitted in the western lot.
The public was invited to question Mr. Pehnke.
Frank Rubacky of 398 Upper Mountain Avenue asked if Mr. Pehnke’s report correctly accounted for the space used by the restaurant, which has an additional 1,000 square feet of space. Mr. Pehnke stated he will investigate this.
The public hearing was continued to the Planning Board meetings on November 5 and November 26 with no further notice required. Mr. Trautner stated he will bring back Mr. Stieve, Mr. Stolar, Mr. Webb and Mr. Pehnke. He will also have Sean Moronski, the applicant’s professional planner, testify at that time. The applicant agreed to extend the time of decision.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 pm.