PB Meeting Minutes 11-05-18

Call to Order

Chair Wynn called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm and announced that the meeting has been properly noticed in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and that the meeting is being recorded and can be viewed on the Township website or on Channel 34. 

Roll Call

Chair Wynn, Vice Chair Brodock, Councilor Schlager, Mr. Rooney, Mr. Ianuale, and Ms. Loughman were present.  Mr. Schwartz arrived at 7:45 and Mr. Barr arrived at 8:00.  Ms. Willis and Mr. Gilmer were excused.  Board Attorney Arthur Neiss and Planning Director Janice Talley were also present.

Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes of the October 15, 2018 meeting as amended was made by Chair Wynn, seconded by Vice Chair Brodock and approved with Councilor Schlager, Mr. Rooney and Ms. Loughman abstaining.

Application 2543:  Lackawanna SPE, LLC – Lackawanna Plaza

Chair Wynn announced that the continued public hearing for Application 2543:  Lackawanna Plaza has been postponed to the November 26 Planning Board meeting. 

Other Matters

Ms. Talley noted that a draft meeting calendar for 2019 has been distributed.  Vice Chair Brodock stated that the proposed meeting for April 22 should be rescheduled because this is spring break for the Montclair School system.  Ms. Talley stated that she would prepare a revised calendar for consideration at the next meeting.

Committee Reports

Ms. Talley noted that Board Engineer Tom Watkinson will be retiring next year and that the Personnel Subcommittee has approved a RFP for Board Engineer.  She stated that the Personnel Subcommittee is currently evaluating the Board’s current consultants. 

Ms. Loughman asked about the Zoning Subcommittee’s charge regarding the no knock down ordinance.  Ms. Talley reported that staff is currently researching other ordinances, including those in Jersey City and Princeton, and reaching out to the respective staff to get input into how these ordinances are working.  She stated that she will be working with Arthur Neiss to review these ordinances and make recommendations to the Zoning Subcommittee.  Mr. Schwartz stated that he has a lot of information on this issue and will forward it to Ms. Talley.

Ms. Talley reported that the Revisions Committee has been very busy reviewing final plans submitted by various applications. 

Payment of Bills

Vice Chair Brodock noted that some of the bills needed additional clarification before approving payment.  A motion to pay the other bills was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Ms. Loughman and approved unanimously. 


The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.