PB Meeting Minutes 11-26-18

Call to Order

Chair Wynn called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm and announced that the meeting has been properly noticed in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and that the meeting is being recorded and can be viewed on the Township website or on Channel 34. 

Roll Call

Chair Wynn, Councilor Schlager, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Rooney, Ms. Loughman and Mr. Gilmer were present.  Mr. Barr arrived at 8:00.  Vice Chair Brodock, Ms. Willis, and Mr. Ianuale were excused. Board Attorney Robert Munoz, Board Engineer Thomas Watkinson, Board Architect Barton Ross, Michael Dannemiller from NV5, Gerard Giosa from Level G Associates and Planning Director Janice Talley were also present. 


A motion to approve the minutes from the October 22, 2018 meeting as amended was made by Chair Wynn, seconded by Ms. Loughman and approved unanimously.  A motion to approve the minutes from the November 5, 2018 meeting was made by Ms. Loughman, seconded by Chair Wynn and approved unanimously with Mr. Gilmer abstaining.

Application 2543:  Lackawanna SPE, LLC Lackawanna Plaza.  (Block 3213, Lot 2 and Block 4202, Lots 4.01 and 4.02)

Mr. Trautner stated that he planned to call six witnesses this evening.  He called Brian Stolar to present an update on the project. Mr. Stolar stated that the project has been pending before the Planning Board for ten months and prior to this had been subject to many meetings as a potential redevelopment plan. He stated that he has been working closely with Bob Schmidt from Hampshire and was happy to announce that a second supermarket is interested in the site.  He noted that one of the supermarkets wanted an approximately 30,000 s.f. store and the second one wanted a 40,000 s.f. store.  To give the public an idea of the size of these stores, Ms. Loughman noted the following square footage of local supermarkets:  Whole Foods Montclair – 18,000 s.f.; Whole Foods West Orange – 38,000 s.f.; and Kings Montclair – 19,000 s.f.

Kevin Webb, the civil engineer for the project, reviewed the changes to the site plan.  The changes include a modification to the footprint that shaved off 25 feet from the loading area to provide more space for truck turning movements.  In addition, the area for the Pig and Prince restaurant was corrected to indicate 1800 feet for a fast food restaurant.  He noted that the required number of parking spaces is 859, but is reduced to 844 spaces once the parking demand for TD Bank is excluded.  He noted that 476 parking spaces are provided, but is reduced to 459 when those spaces for TD Bank are excluded.  Mr. Webb noted that the location of the handicapped parking spaces has shifted and the taxi/ride share space has been changed to three dedicated parking spaces in the lot.   The number of cart corrals has increased from five to eight and the landscaping plan has been revised to eliminate all pin oak trees.  The lighting plan has been reevaluated with additional lighting added.  Finally, the utility plan has been revised to show water service to the horse trough.

The public was invited to question Mr. Webb.

David Greenbaum asked for more details about the parking requirements for the bank.  He asked if the parking variance is a hardship for tenants and Montclair residents.  Mr. Webb responded that this would be addressed by another witness.  He asked if there are any changes to pedestrian access to the site.  Mr. Webb stated that no additional changes have been made to pedestrian access since the last presentation of the site plan. 

Priscilla Eschelman of 50 Label Street asked for more details about the location of the restaurant space in relation to the plaza.  Mr. Webb showed where each is located.  She asked for details about deliveries and Mr. Webb stated that these will be determined by the tenant.  Ms. Eschelman asked for details about the applicant’s conversations with potential tenants.  Mr. Stolar stated that details about deliveries and parking requirements for pick-ups will be determined by the tenant and may change as demands change.

Mr. Gilmer asked if the crosswalks will be striped at driveway entrances.  Mr. Webb stated that sidewalks will be provided at driveway entrances.  Mr.Gilmer asked if there will be striping for pedestrian access within the parking lots.  Mr. Webb stated that none is proposed.

Ms. Loughman asked if the applicant plans to activate the building façade facing Glenridge Avenue.  Mr. Stolar stated that he cannot practically activate the rear façade of the building because of the loading.  Ms. Loughman asked if an entrance can be provided at the corner of Glenridge Avenue and Grove Street.  Mr. Stolar stated that the design of the space will not allow a secondary access at this location.

Cary Heller of 1 Greenwood Avenue asked where snow will be stored during storm events in the loading area.  Mr. Webb stated that the applicant will remove snow from the site.  Mr. Heller asked if drainage has been provided under the compactor.  Mr. Webb stated that it will be provided if required.

Adam Baker asked about snow removal.  Mr. Webb stated that it will be removed from the site.

Lauren Testa asked how many on-street parking spaces will be lost.  Mr. Webb stated that two spaces will be lost on Glenridge Avenue.

Melissa Bevacqua of Pine Street asked if the plan provides for lighting at night. Mr. Webb stated that the site plan proposes lighting onsite and on the adjacent sidewalks that will adequately illuminate the area at night.

Bruce Stieve testified about the changes to the site plan.  He noted that Sheet A-1 has been revised to reflect the site/civil drawings.  Sheet A-8 has been revised to reflect the 1800 square foot fast food restaurant, the adjustment to the loading area and the additional light fixtures in the pedestrian alley.  He noted that A-9 has been revised to include specifications for the light fixtures.  Sheet A-10 has been revised to show the changes to the Glenridge Avenue elevations.   Sheet A-11 has been revised to show a detail of the entrance canopy for the supermarket.  Sheet A-17 has been revised to show changes to restoration of the historic horse trough, including the bronze plaques.  Sheet A-18 has been revised to show additional details for the bus shelter.

Mr. Schwartz stated that the revised plan shows good direction, but that he is still concerned that the historic elements of the site are being eliminated.  He asked if the tenant has been consulted about preserving the walkway canopies.  Mr. Stieve stated that the walkway canopies were not preserved because it will reduce the number of parking spaces, provide for an inefficient circulation pattern and reduce visibility of the store from the street.  Mr. Schwartz asked if he has looked at alternative materials for the canopy roof.  Mr. Stieve stated that the columns would have to be significantly larger to support the additional load.  Mr. Schwartz asked if the applicant had considered placing signage on the southernmost canopy.  Mr. Stieve stated that the canopies could not structurally support the signage.  He pointed out that the tenant wants vehicles to be able to see the store windows from Bloomfield Avenue.

Mr. Rooney asked how many stanchions will be removed with the proposed site plan.  Mr. Stieve responded that 16 stanchions will be removed.

The public was invited to question Mr. Stieve.

Kathleen Bennett asked if stairs are proposed on the sidewalk between the grocery store and the Pig and Prince because of the change in elevation.  Mr. Stieve responded that the site will be regraded and that no stairs are provided.

Michael Dannemiller asked for details about the lighting in the alley way.  Mr. Stieve pointed out the lighting details in the plan which will ensure that this area is well illuminated.

Frank Rubacky asked about the changes in the façade facing the supermarket parking lot where the new fast food restaurant is proposed. Mr. Stieve stated that this is currently a glass enclosure and that a brick wall that reflects the historic façade of the waiting room is proposed.  Mr. Rubacky stated that this is not a good solution because it detracts from the details on the historic waiting room.  He asked if the historic brick wall details at either end of the terminal end platform will be retained.  Mr. Stieve stated that these will be retained.  Mr. Rubacky stated that these existing conditions should be shown on the plans.

Caroline Kane-Levy asked if the applicant had considered using historic preservation tax credits as part of this project.  Mr. Stolar responded that they considered this early on but decided not to pursue this funding source as much of the original historic details have been changed.

Chair Wynn asked that information on the 1980’s renovation be provided at the next meeting.

Karl Pehnke of Langan Engineering presented information on the revised traffic study and parking management plan.  He stated that the shared parking plan includes 459 parking spaces.  He stated that the parking management plan requires all employees of the medical office building to park under the building in the east lot and that ProPark will issue stickers identifying employee vehicles.  Mr. Pehnke provided details of the valet parking program which will maximize utilization of the Lackawanna Plaza parking lot, noting that valet parking will be provided between 11 am and 6 pm on weekdays.

The Board expressed concerns about the appearance of the valet area on Lackawanna Plaza.  Mr. Pehnke stated that he will move the valet parking elsewhere to provide for a less cluttered appearance on Lackawanna Plaza.   He stated that he can add nine new valet spaces on the east lot and reserve 26 spaces for valet parking on the west lot for a total of 35 valet parking spaces.  He stated that he will eliminate 15 valet spaces on the Lackawanna Plaza parking lot and add valet spaces on the other lots for the next meeting.

Kristen Sokitch of Propark confirmed that he will be able to accommodate the valet parking program with this proposal.

Chair Wynn stated that he wants more details in writing about the valet parking program .

The public was invited to question Mr. Pehnke and Mr. Sokitch.

Priscilla Eschelman asked how many pedestrian crossings will be crossed by the valets?  Mr. Sokitch stated that  it depends on where the valets are parking the cars.

David Greenbaum asked if the applicant had prepared an analysis of car movements per hour at different times of the day.  Mr. Pehnke referred to the traffic study which addresses this.

Cary Heller asked about the enforceability of the valet parking program.  Mr. Trautner stated that if this is a condition of the approval, it is enforceable.

The public hearing was continued to the next Planning Board meeting on December 3 at which time additional testimony will be provided by the architect, valet parking program and planning. 

Payment of Bills

A motion to pay bills was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Mr. Rooney and approved unanimously.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 pm.