Girls field hockey


Learn the basic skills and game play through our new youth field hockey program for girls grades 3-8.
Levels of play:
Grades 3rd-4th (clinic)
Grades 5th-6th (league play)
Grades 7th-8th (league play) 

Montclair teams are members of the Essex county Suburban recreation league where they will compete on a recreational level through league play. Games and practices are held in the fall season September- November at watchuing field. Games and practices are usually held week nights 5pm-7pm and Saturday afternoons.

Participants are required to provide their own shin guards, elbow pads goggles and sticks. Players will be issued game jerseys and mouth guards for league play. 
to register online click here. Fee is $75.00

Volunteer coaches are greatly needed. please register online at or call the recreation office at 973-509-4915 during business hours Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm.