Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed in Montclair

The New Jersey Department of Agriculture confirmed the presence of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestations in street trees in Montclair in the summer of 2016. EAB is a host-specific exotic beetle that has killed tens of millions of trees in the Midwest. It was first reported in New Jersey in 2014. The pest spreads rapidly and is difficult to detect, and once symptoms are obvious it is too late to save the tree.

The Township of Montclair is developing a management plan for its street trees. Residents are urged to take action by doing the following:

  1. Determining if there are ash species on your property
  2. Retaining a New Jersey Certified Tree Expert or ISA Certified Arborist to inspect trees for the pest.
  3. Trees infected may have to be removed and chipped and/or burned. Wood that cannot be chipped must stay within the municipality.
  4. Trees not infected or with very early infestation may be treated to preserve the tree.

The extensive damage in trees sampled so far indicate the pest has been in Montclair for several years and is likely widespread. Trees with no visible symptoms may already be infested. Only a trained professional will know.

For more information, see the NJ Department of Agriculture website: www.nj.gov/agriculture/divisions/pi/prog/emeraldashborer.html; and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection: www.nj.gov/dep/parksandforests/forest/community/Emerald_Ash_Borer.htm

It is important to understand that it is not IF your tree will become infested, it is WHEN. Declining ash trees become brittle rapidly, and dead trees present a significant risk when they begin to fail. Residents are urged to take appropriate action now.