Building and Fire Department Permits


Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 142, permitting the resumption of non-essential construction, effective 6:00 a.m. on Monday, May 18.

The Building Department will accept applications for non-essential construction work and will continue following procedures put in place to ensure the safety of employees and the public.

PLEASE NOTE: we ask that you call the Building Department first for instructions concerning your specific project: 973-509-4951.

Download Building Department Counter Form.

Download Construction Jacket here.

Permit materials should be mailed to:

Montclair Building Department
Montclair Municipal Building – 2nd Floor
205 Claremont Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
Phone: 973-509-4951

Building Department and Fire Department Inspections

Virtual inspections will continue as for non-essential construction projects:

Inspectors will work with state-licensed contractors and other professionals to self-certify essential work performed and then will physically inspect at an appropriate time.

Executive Order 142

All construction projects must abide by the social distancing, safety, and sanitization requirements that are described in detail in the Governor's Executive Order.

Businesses permitted to resume performing “non-essential construction projects,” as well as businesses continuing to perform “essential construction projects” under Executive Order 122, must implement a number of policies to protect all workers at, visitors to, and any residents of the construction site:

  • No non-essential visitors;
  • Adhere to social distancing measures when picking up or delivering equipment and materials;
  • Worksite meetings cannot involve more than 9 people;
  • Everyone must be at least 6 feet apart “wherever possible;”
  • Stagger start and stop times “where practicable;”
  • Restrict the number of people present at the same time in congested and high-risk areas such as lunchrooms, break rooms, restrooms and elevators “where practicable;”
  • Stagger lunch breaks and work times “where practicable;”
  • Require workers and visitors to wear masks and workers to wear gloves. The business must provide, at its own expense, masks and gloves for the workers;
  • Require infection control practices such as hand washing, coughing and sneezing etiquette, and proper tissue usage and disposal;
  • Limit sharing of tools, equipment and machinery;
  • Provide portable washing stations with soap or hand sanitizers where running water is not available;
  • Frequently sanitize high-touch areas such as restrooms, break rooms, equipment and machinery;
  • Workers must be at least 6 feet apart from residents at occupied residences; and
  • Place signage at entrances and throughout the worksite describing these requirements.
image of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)