PB Meeting Minutes 01-28-19

Call to Order

Chair Wynn called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm and announced that the meeting has been properly noticed in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and that the meeting is being recorded and can be viewed on the Township website or on Channel 34. 

Roll Call

Chair Wynn, Vice Chair Brodock, Councilor Schlager, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Rooney, Ms. Willis,  Ms. Loughman, and Mr. Gilmer were present.   Mr. Barr was absent.  Board Attorney Andrew Ball, Board Traffic Engineer Michael Dannemiller from NV5, Board Parking Expert Gerard Giosa from Level G Associates and Planning Director Janice Talley were also present.  Board Attorney Dennis Galvin arrived at 8:50.

Application 2543:  Lackawanna SPE, LLC Lackawanna Plaza.  (Block 3213, Lot 2 and Block 4202, Lots 4.01 and 4.02)

Thomas Trautner, Esq., attorney for the applicant, was present.

Chair Wynn announced that the meeting was open for public comment on the application.

Public comments were made both in opposition and support of the project. Those in opposition noted that Lackawanna Plaza is an important historic site and that there is a viable alternative that will preserve the platform canopies; that it is important to keep the historic site intact and that destruction and/or relocation of any historic resource will diminish its historic quality; that the project creates concerns about pedestrian safety, insufficient parking, traffic circulation and loading; and poor construction quality and aesthetic design by the applicant based on its current projects.

Public comments in support of the project noted the need for affordable groceries at this location; the hassle for 4th ward residents and senior citizens caused by the lack of a supermarket; and that most of the historic assets on the site will be preserved, and that the project will provide a balance between historic preservation and supporting a new supermarket.

The Board took a break from 9:30 to 9:45.

Thomas Trautner, Esq. summed up the application, stating that there have been many meetings over the past year with the Development Review Committee, Historic Preservation Commission and Planning Board.  He noted that there have been substantial changes to the site plan and compromises made to balance the needs of the supermarket with preservation of historic resources.  He noted that the Master Plan supports development at this location and supports the concept of shared parking.  He stated that the applicant proposes to save and preserve most of the historic structures on the site.  He stated that the Planning Board must consider the site plan as proposed and whether the applicant has adequately addressed concerns and met the proofs for the variances.  He announced that the applicant is in the final stages of negotiating a lease with the new supermarket tenant.

The public hearing was continued to the February 11, 2019 Planning Board meeting at which time the Planning Board will deliberate on the application.

Resolution for Professional

A motion to adopt a resolution, as amended, to appoint and retain Barton Ross as Board Architect was made by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Chair Wynn and approved unanimously.  A motion to pay bills was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Councilor Schlager and approved unanimously.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 pm.