Call to Order
Chair Wynn called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm and announced that the meeting has been properly noticed in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and that the meeting is being recorded and can be viewed on the Township website or on Channel 34.
Roll Call
Chair Wynn, Vice Chair Brodock, Councilor Schlager, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Cook, Mr. Rooney, Ms. Loughman, Mr. Barr and Mr. Gilmer were present. Ms. Willis arrived at 7:40 and Mr. Ianuale was excused. Board Attorney Dennis Galvin, Board Engineer Joseph Vuich, Board Traffic Engineer Joseph Fishinger from NV5, Board Parking Expert Gerard Giosa from Level G Associates and Planning Director Janice Talley were also present.
The Board decided to hold discussion of the minutes until the end of the meeting.
Resolution Application 2543: Lackawanna SPE, LLC – Lackawanna Plaza. (Block 3213, Lot 2 and Block 4202, Lots 19 and 20)
Discussion of the Lackawanna Plaza resolution was carried to the April 8 Planning Board meeting as the Applicant requested additional time to evaluate the draft resolution.
Application 2582: HP 37 Orange Road Montclair, LLC – 33 & 37 Orange Road. (Block 1404, Lots 19 & 20)
Thomas Trautner, Esq. was present for the applicant. He stated that the application proposes a mixed-use building with three floors of residential use over one floor of commercial use with a publicly-accessible plaza located in front of the building. He noted that deviations are required to permit stacked parking and the number of parking spaces.
Board Attorney Galvin stated that the Planning Board does not have jurisdiction to hear this application because the proposed density far exceeds the maximum density of 18 units per acre. Mr. Trautner disagreed, stating that the language in the plan allows the proposed density. The Board members discussed the wording in the redevelopment plan and the Board’s deliberations on prior revisions to the redevelopment plan. The Board agreed that the applicant should return to the Council to get direction on the wording and intent of the redevelopment plan.
Mr. Galvin advised that the hearing should be adjourned, and the applicant should go to the governing body to act on the ordinance. Mr. Trautner disagreed with the Board’s interpretation of the ordinance, noting that, in September, an ordinance was withdrawn from the Council agenda regarding an amendment to the redevelopment plan as the Council had decided to take no action. Several Board members disagreed with Mr. Trautner’s interpretation, noting that withdrawal of the ordinance does not reflect intent.
The Board decided that further clarification is needed and that the language in the plan should be clarified. The application was carried to the April 8th meeting and the applicant waived the time to act.
The minutes from the January 28 and February 11 meeting were discussed. Several Board members stated that verbatim minutes are not necessary and that too much detail in the minutes can be problematic. It was stated that the minutes should summarize comments made and actions taken at the meeting. It was noted that this approach is consistent with Roberts Rules of Order. Others noted that certain applications warrant additional detailed commentary and that it is good to capture specific comments made at a public hearing. The Board decided that the minutes should be only a summary of comments made and actions taken, providing a description of the tenor of the meeting. Names and addresses of speakers should not be in the minutes.
Ms. Talley stated that she would revise the minutes from the January 28 and February 11 meetings to reflect this approach.
Payment of Bills
A motion to pay bills was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Chair Wynn and approved unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.