Call to Order
Chair Wynn called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm and announced that the meeting has been properly noticed in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and that the meeting is being recorded and can be viewed on the Township website or on Channel 34.
Roll Call
Chair Wynn, Vice Chair Brodock, Ms. Willis, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Cook, Mr. Rooney, Mr. Ianuale, Ms. Loughman, Mr. Barr and Mr. Gilmer were present. Councilor Schlager was excused. Board Attorney Dennis Galvin, Board Engineer Joseph Vuich, and Planning Director Janice Talley were also present.
Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes from the March 11, 2019 meeting as amended was made by Chair Wynn, seconded by Vice Chair Brodock and approved unanimously with Ms. Willis abstaining.
Resolution Application 2543: Lackawanna SPE, LLC – Lackawanna Plaza. (Block 3213, Lot 2 and Block 4202, Lots 19 and 20)
Discussion of the Lackawanna Plaza resolution was carried to the May 6 Planning Board meeting as the Board requested additional time to evaluate the draft resolution.
Application 2566: 59 Glenridge Avenue, LLC – 59-61 Glenridge Avenue (Block 4210, Lot 23) Minor site plan to add 2nd floor and two one-bedroom apartments.
The Chair announced that the applicant has requested that this application be carried to the May 6 meeting.
Application 2582: HP 37 Orange Road Montclair, LLC – 33 & 37 Orange Road. (Block 1404, Lots 19 & 20) Major site plan approval for new 4-story mixed use building containing 46 dwelling units.
The Chair announced that the applicant has requested that this application be carried to the May 6 meeting.
Application 2606: Adaline Moster Property LLC – 403-405 Bloomfield Avenue. (Block 3205, Lot 11) Site plan application to add third floor to existing two-story building.
Gerald Kelly, Esq. and Daniel Angel Roman, Architect were present for the applicant. Mr. Kelly requested that the matter be carried to a future meeting so that his client and architect have enough time to evaluate the implications of the proposed Midtown parking deck on the parking layout for the project. Ms. Talley stated that the applicant and architect both had reviewed the plans for the parking deck at a prior date. The Board stated that they want to review the parking deck plan as well. The Board also asked for a rendering showing the view of the addition from both sides of Bloomfield Avenue. Mr. Kelly waived the time limit on the decision and the application was carried to the May 20 meeting.
Application 2615: Bellaire House Condo Association – 530 Valley Road. (Block 1711, Lot 18). Site plan application to construct an accessory building.
Jennifer Alexander, Esq. and John Ferrante, PE were present for the applicant. Mr. Ferrante was sworn in and discussed the technical details of the proposed 32 foot by 23-foot accessory building. The purpose of the building is to house heating and cooling equipment, much of which is currently located in the subbasement of the building and was damaged by flooding. Mr. Ferrante stated that the condensers currently located in the yard will be removed as new condensers will be in the new building. The asphalt area in the rear yard will be replaced with landscaping so that the total impervious coverage on the site will be reduced by 625 square feet. There are no variances associated with the application. Mr. Ferrante stated that he has reviewed the report from the Environmental Commission and noted that wells will be provided to filter and detain the stormwater from the roof before it goes into the ground.
Mr. Ferrante confirmed for the Board that the elevation of the accessory building is enough to withstand any flooding. He assured the Board that sound will be not be a problem as the equipment will be more efficient, and quieter, than the current equipment on the property. He noted that the closest house is over 120 feet away and that the sound attenuating concrete blocks and insulation within the enclosed structure will reduce the noise from the equipment. He agreed to install sound blankets to further reduce noise to ensure compliance with the sound requirements of no greater than 50 dba at the property line.
Mr. Ferrante stated that new building will be locked, and cameras will be installed for safety reasons, but a Knoxbox will be provided so that the fire department can access the mechanical equipment in case of emergency.
The applicant agreed to use New Jersey native plants for landscaping. Ms. Talley stated that she would post a list of native New Jersey plants on the Planning Department website.
Monica Biondi, president of the Bellaire House Condo Association, testified about the need to install the accessory structure and equipment as soon as possible.
There was no public comment.
A motion to approve the application was made by Chair Wynn, with the conditions that appropriate measures are taken to meet the sound requirement, NJ native landscaping materials are used, and a security camera and Knox box is installed. The motion was seconded by Ms. Loughman and approved unanimously.
Discussion of 2018 Annual Report from the Zoning Board of Adjustment
Ms. Talley stated that the 2018 Annual Report from the Zoning Board of Adjustment has been distributed. She suggested that the Zoning Subcommittee evaluate the report and return to the Board with their recommendations. The Board agreed.
Payment of Bills
A motion to pay bills was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Chair Wynn and approved unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.