Call to Order
Vice Chair Brodock called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm and announced that the meeting has been properly noticed in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and that the meeting is being recorded and can be viewed on the Township website or on Channel 34.
Roll Call
Vice Chair Brodock, Mr. Rooney, Mr. Ianuale, Ms. Loughman, Mr. Barr and Mr. Gilmer were present. Chair Wynn, Councilor Schlager, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Brandon and Ms. Willis were excused. Board Attorney Arthur Neiss and Planning Director Janice Talley were also present.
Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of the August 6, 2018 meeting as amended was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Ms. Loughman and approved with Mr. Barr and Mr. Ianuale abstaining. A motion to approve the minutes of the August 13, 2018 meeting was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Mr. Rooney and approved with Mr. Barr and Mr. Gilmer abstaining.
Resolution Application 2557: Valley and Bloom – Valley Road/Bloomfield Avenue. (Block 1404, Lots 1.01, 1.02, 11, 12.01 and 13).
A motion to approve this resolution was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Ms. Loughman and approved unanimously with Mr. Gilmer and Mr. Barr abstaining. A copy of the resolution is attached.
Resolution Application 2565: Mitchell MacGregor – 448 Washington Avenue. (Block 4003, Lot 7).
A motion to approve this resolution was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Ms. Loughman and approved unanimously with Mr. Gilmer and Mr. Barr abstaining. A copy of this resolution is attached.
Application 2566: 59 Glenridge Avenue, LLC – 59-61 Glenridge Avenue (Block 4210, Lot 23)
Vice Chair Brodock announced that the applicant has requested that the matter be carried to the October 15, 2018 Planning Board meeting and that no additional notice is required.
Application 2558: Raymond Graj – 252 & 256 Valley Road (Block 1607, Lots 2 and 3). Lot line adjustment.
Alan Trembulak, Esq. represented the applicant and stated that this is a simple lot line adjustment between two property owners. He introduced the applicant, Raymond Graj of 252 Valley Road, who was sworn in. Mr. Graj stated that he has owned the property at 252 Valley Road for 9 years and wants to acquire 600 square feet in the rear yard of 256 Valley Road in order to expand his rear yard. He stated that there are currently no structures in the area and he does not plan to install any structures in the area. He also stated that there are no trees in the area and no trees are proposed for removal. No variances are required. A motion to approve the lot line adjustment was made by Mr. Gilmer, seconded by Vice Chair Brodock and approved unanimously.
Application 2574: 510 Valley Montclair, LLC – 510 Valley Road. (Block 1711, Lots 13-17)
David Owen, Esq. represented the applicant and stated that this application is to install a wheel chair lift to improve accessibility to the businesses on the south side of the property, as well as provide an addition to the front façade for improved signage. He introduced John Bucholtz, the project architect, who was sworn in.
Mr. Bucholtz stated that the businesses on the south side of the building are at a lower level from the retail space on the front façade of the building (facing Valley Road). Accessibility and visibility of these businesses spaces are limited because of their location on the side of the building, 13 feet down from the front elevation. He stated that the tenants had problems with customers finding their space because of its location on the side at a lower elevation with limited signage.
Mr. Bucholtz stated that he has reviewed the Board professionals’ reports. The applicant has agreed to consolidate the lots.
Mr. Ianuale asked for more information on the easement at the southwest corner of the property. Mr. Bucholtz and Mr. Owen did not have the easement language but agreed to provide it as a condition of approval.
Mr. Bucholtz stated that the applicant is proposing a 66 square foot addition to the front façade of the building to provide space for a wall sign that identifies the tenants on the lower level. He stated that the front façade will continue the same colors provided on the front façade at present. He stated that the canopy will be extended as well and will match the canopy in front of the Kidville store.
Mr. Watkinson suggested that drought resistant landscaping be provided since the proposed addition will extend over the existing landscaped area. Mr. Bucholtz agreed. Mr. Watkinson asked that the roof of the addition be tied into the main roof of the building and that some of the stormwater from the roof be used water the planter under the new addition. Mr. Bucholtz stated that he will work with Mr. Watkinson to address this issue.
Mr. Gilmer asked if the applicant could instead install a freestanding sign closer to the road. Mr. Bucholtz stated that it would not provide the directional advantage of a wall sign, which is intended to identify the location of the stairs and chairlift that will provide access to the lower level businesses. Mr. Bucholtz stated that a directional arrow is planned for the awning flap.
Vice Chair Brodock asked if there will be additional lighting with this addition. Mr. Bucholtz stated that there will be LED lighting under the addition to illuminate the planter and sidewalk. Vice Chair Brodock requested a lighting plan as a condition of approval and Mr. Bucholtz agreed. Vice Chair Brodock asked if the applicant is willing to use native plantings in the planter. Mr. Bucholtz agreed. Vice Chair Brodock asked if there is a spillway from the addition to Alvin Place. Mr. Bucholtz responded that there is no scupper.
Ms. Loughman asked if the applicant is willing to limit the size of the letters to what is shown in the plans. Mr. Bucholtz agreed.
Mr. Rooney asked if the applicant is willing to keep the background color for the new signs the same as the retail tenant but permit the font of the letters to be different. Mr. Bucholtz agreed.
The public was invited to question Mr. Bucholtz. There were no questions.
Mr. Own introduced Michael Pessolano, the licensed professional planner for the applicant. Mr. Pessolano reviewed his credentials and was accepted by the Board. Mr. Pessolano stated that the applicant meets the criteria for c(1) bulk variance because of the unique topographic conditions separating the office spaces on the side of the building from the retail spaces and parking area on the front of the building. He also noted that the office spaces are located a good distance from Valley Road and are not visible from the parking lot. He noted that these conditions, which are unique to this particular piece of property, create a hardship for the tenants of these office spaces in terms of visibility from the road and parking lot. He noted that the proposed signage variance is a positive change to the property and creates no detriment. The variance is consistent with the goals of the master plan, which emphasizes comprehensive signage packages to ensure improved aesthetics. He stated that the variance to provide signs that are 42 inches in total height are necessary so that the signs can be seen from Valley Road and the parking lot. Mr. Pessolano also stated that the application meets the c(2) criteria in that the benefits of the proposal outweigh the detriments.
The public was invited to question Mr. Pessolano. There were no questions.
Vice Chair Brodock stated that the application makes sense if the background of the wall signs is the same color.
A motion to approve the application was made by Vice Chair Brodock with the following conditions: a copy of the easement be provided; the lots be consolidated; the façade walls repainted, and concrete cleaned; a lighting plan be submitted, and a single background color provided. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barr and approved unanimously.
Payment of Bills
A motion to pay bills was made by Vice Chair Brodock, seconded by Ms. Loughman and approved unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.