See below a list of current street improvement projects in the Township.
The Township of Montclair has contracted with Cifelli & Sons for construction of street improvements on Christopher Street. Work is scheduled to commence on or about Monday, March 5, 2018, weather permitting. Construction activity will be on Christopher Street from Columbus Avenue going north to Mc Donough Street starting at approximately 115-118 Christopher Street.
Improvements will include new granite block curb, as well as concrete driveway aprons and corner handicap ramps as necessary. Paving is not included in this project.
No parking will be allowed on the street during the day while construction is in progress. The street may also be closed to traffic at various times during the day. If you must use your vehicle(s) during the day; it should be removed from your driveway and parked on
a side street by 7:00 A.M. Access to your driveway will also be restricted for several days (and nights) while the curb is being installed in front of your property and while the concrete driveway apron is curing. Additional information regarding the construction is on the reverse side of this notice.
Utilities – gas, electric, water will be marked out by the appropriate utility company prior to the start of construction work. Please mark out any private underground sprinklers, invisible fences or other privately installed items prior to construction to avoid damage.
The supervisor for this project is Rob Bianco. If the supervisor is not on site, we ask that you do not approach the contractor but immediately call the Department of Community Services at 973-509-5711. The supervisor will contact you by phone and/or return to the job site within a short time.
Please obey all signs and use caution when driving or walking in this area
What is included in the project? The Township will install new granite block curb (also known as Belgian Block) and corner sidewalk ramps. Your driveway apron (the area between the sidewalk and the street) will also be replaced when the curb is installed. Sidewalk is not included except to install corner ramps or to repair damage from construction activities.
Please note the planting strip between the sidewalk and curb (approximately four feet from the edge of roadway where there is no curb) will be dug up for the installation of the granite block curb. The Township will restore this area with topsoil and seed only. If you have other plantings in this area, you should relocate them until after the construction is completed. Also, if you have sprinklers in this area, please mark them out or call them to the attention of the Township inspector before construction starts.
How long will the work take? The construction time will vary depending on the street length, however you can expect curb construction to last three to four weeks. Please note all estimates for length of construction are estimates, which may be affected by inclement weather, material supply problems, etc.
What are construction hours? Work hours are typically 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Will the street be closed? The street may be closed to through traffic at various times during the construction. These closings will not extend beyond the workday. In fact, it is preferable to close the street both for the safety of motorists and the contractor’s personnel. Parking on the street is prohibited during construction activities, but is allowed when the contractor is not working, i.e. evenings and weekends. You can expect delays getting in and out due to construction activity. If you require immediate access to your vehicle(s) during the day; we recommend parking your vehicle(s) elsewhere before 7:00 a.m. on construction days.
Will access to my driveway be blocked and if so, for how long? During the time the curb is installed, the driveway apron is broken out and generally, you will not be able to use your driveway until a few days after the concrete is poured. The contractor will notify you at least one day before they are ready to begin the excavation work. You should then move any vehicle(s) you need to use onto the street before 7:00 a.m. on that day. After concrete is poured, you should not drive over it for at least two days while the concrete cures. The entire process will take four to seven days, depending on weather conditions.
Will I be able to park on the street at night? Generally, yes. We work with the Montclair Police Department to monitor construction areas in order to prevent residents in those areas from being ticketed when parked on the street at night. However, this does not mean you may park in violation of traffic laws (no parking within 10 ft. of a hydrant, 25 ft. of an intersection or crosswalk, etc.).
What should I do if there’s a problem? The Township assigns a supervisor to each project and you can always speak to him or her at the job site. The supervisor for this project is Rob Bianco. If the supervisor is not on site, we ask that you do not approach the contractor but immediately call the Department of Community Services at 973-509-5711. The supervisor will contact you by phone and/or return to the job site within a short time.