August 2017: Clarence Jackson

What is your birth date? August 15, 1949

Where were you born? Community Hospital, Montclair, NJ

Are you currently employed? If so, doing what? If you had a career, what was it? USPS Postal Clerk - Retired

How have you been engaged in the community? Montclair Neighborhood Development Corp., Montclair Branch NAACP, Crawford Crews American Legion Post 251 Montclair, NJ, Montclair Senior Citizen Advisory Committee, Montclair Democratic County Committee. As an Essex County Veterans Liaison Service Officer, I provide veteran’s benefit information to veterans and their eligible family members.

What are some of the most important lessons you feel you have learned throughout your life? People will let their self-interest conflict with their best interest.

What is your mantra or words you live by? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

What are your plans for future? How does Montclair fit into these plans? I have a work in progress to operate a veterans business start-up center in Montclair.

If you know of a Montclair senior who should be featured, please call Katie York,
Director of Senior Services/Lifelong Montclair, at 973-509-4967.

August 2017 Senior of the Month Clarence Jackson