Township Offers Home Improvement Assistance

Township Offers Home Improvement Assistance
Posted on 02/24/2021
Township Offers Home Improvement Assistance

The Mayor and Township Council invite income-eligible Montclair homeowners to apply for the Township's new home improvement program. Income-eligible homeowners can receive up to $24,000 in home repairs.

About the Program

If you are a Montclair homeowner and your home is in need of repair or replacement of a major system, such as roof, electric, heating, plumbing, windows, etc., you may be able to get funding through the Montclair Home Improvement Program.

The Home Improvement Program was created to assist eligible low- and moderate-income households with repairs or replacement of major home systems (such as a roof or heating system) to correct existing interior and exterior health, safety and substandard code conditions.

Funds may be used only for work and repairs required to make the house code standard, conserve energy, remove health and/or safety hazards. In order to qualify for participation in the program, at least one of the following major systems must be in need of replacement or substantial repair:

  • Roof
  • Foundation
  • Insulation
  • Plumbing (including sanitary plumbing)
  • Heating
  • Electrical
  • Load bearing structural systems
  • Weatherization (windows, door, insulation)

Eligibility Requirements

You must own a residential property and provide a copy of the recorded deed. The property taxes and, if applicable, mortgage must be paid up to date prior to application.

You must have homeowner’s insurance.

The household combined annual gross income must be below the maximum income amount listed for your household size. The income limits, which are updated annually, are as follows for 2021:

household size. The income limits, which are updated annually, are as follows for 2021:

The home must have at least one major system in need of repair or replacement.

If there are any repairs or renovations currently being undertaken on your home by others or yourself or done within the last few years that require or required municipal permits, the work must be completed and the permits closed out prior to applying to the program.

  • There is no cost to apply and applying to this program does not affect your credit score.
  • Funds are provided as a no interest (0%) ten-year forgivable loan.
  • There are no monthly payments and the loan is forgiven if the homeowner maintains title and occupancy for a ten-year period.
  • A professional inspector oversees the process.

Apply Now

To apply, please either submit a pre-application from the following link: Home Improvement Program Pre-Application or contact the Case Manager at [email protected].

For additional questions, visit or call the program representative at 609-664-2781.

This program is sponsored by the Township of Montclair and funded by collected development fees.